Chronicles of the Kings – Book Series Review

 In Book Recommendations

Author: Lynn Austin
Genre: Biblical Historical Fiction
Series: Chronicles of the Kings
Books in the Series: (1) Gods & Kings, (2) Song of Redemption, (3) Strength of His Hand, (4) Faith of My Fathers, and (5) Among the Gods


n this series, Lynn Austin masterfully brings to life things that we read about in the Old Testament. She helps us understand the culture and the struggles of being a monotheistic nation in a polytheistic world. The allure of idol worship, being a vassal nation, being taken into exile, and the patience and discipline of a just God are more clearly understood through the stories in the series, Chronicles of the Kings.

Gods & Kings:

We are familiar with the constant struggle that Israel had with idol worship, but we are not familiar with how it impacted people on a daily basis. The culture of the Old Testament is so different from our current world that we cannot relate to sacrificing children to a manmade god in an attempt to gain favor. Austin takes us into the world of King Ahaz, when worshiping Molech was part of life, and allows us to watch how it impacted Prince Hezekiah and his relationship with the one true God.

Song of Redemption:

Hezekiah is now king, and attempting to follow God’s will in all that he does. The country begins to prosper and the people soon forget. Hezekiah finds out that following God is not always easy, and often unpopular. Lynn Austin shows us how making difficult decisions during the time of Hezekiah is very similar to situations we face today.

Strength of His Hand:

Hezekiah faces the heartache of discovering that someone in his own home has turned to an idol instead of the one true God. Austin shows us what it looks like when we try to take matters in our own hands and run ahead of God. Once again, this window into the culture of the Old Testament is very helpful toward understanding the daily struggle of a polytheistic world and the danger of placing things ahead of God.

Faith of My Fathers:

Bitterness and anger can easily creep in when we don’t understand God’s ways. It is very easy to blame God for things we do not understand; thereby, sending us down a dangerous path. Hezekiah’s son, Manasseh, does not understand his father’s unexpected death. Manasseh’s friend, Joshua, tries to redirect him, but Manasseh’s anger toward God is great. Lynn Austin leads us through the anguish of unexpectedly losing a loved one and warns us of the dangers in blaming God, and the destruction that can result from anger that is unchecked.

Among the Gods:

In order to escape the anger and persecution of King Manasseh, Joshua leads those who have remained faithful to God to their new home in Egypt. How can he keep hatred and revenge out of his own heart? Austin shows us how great the Father’s love is for us as Joshua tries to discover this for himself.

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