Earlier this year I found myself struggling because my “pillars of faith” were almost all gone. Those who had shaped my faith, on whom I had relied, were passing on to the next life at a rate [...]
In an online article title: “Does Atheism Need to be Rebranded?” the topic was one devotee’s campaign to improve atheism’s public image. I am a believer. I was once a nonbeliever. But I studied [...]
Readers of the Bible deal with supposed “discrepancies” in the text in several ways. They could be placed into three generalized groups -- 1) discrepancies don't matter, 2) the Bible has errors, [...]
McNaughton never guessed that his painting “One Nation Under God” would exert such a polarizing effect on both the public and the media. What I sense gets lost in this whole conversation is the [...]
In a world where the mere mention of God in a public setting or context can draw more concern and dismay than any number of profane messages, we must stop and ask ourselves what has happened to [...]
In Heb. 6, we find a passage that has been worrisome for more than a few Christians, especially those who at some point wavered in their walk of faith. When we examine the passage, we must [...]