Passion is a word of extremes. Who has ever heard of anyone that was passionately moderate or common? Passion is a powerful force within people which may be kindled for good or evil, progress or [...]
In ancient times on the continent of Africa, there lived a people who had a strange rite of passage. When teenage males and females reached the age of sixteen years, they would go to the tribal [...]
This daily Bible study series is designed for a variety of people. It is basic enough for those new to Bible study and challenging enough for those who want to dig deeper. Let's begin with an [...]
Blessed are those who mourn, grieve and wail, for they will be comforted. These actions are usually associated with losing a loved one or a tragedy occurring in one's life.
The beatitudes of Jesus taught in the 5th chapter of Matthew are short statements that have a profound depth of meaning and significance to those who desire to grow in Christ. They are paradoxical.
Jesus was in Galilee early in his three years of ministry proclaiming the exciting news of the Kingdom of God. He had already called Peter, Andrew, James, and John to be his spiritual apprentices [...]
When I started my journey toward discipleship, I was introduced to a teacher named Ray Vander Laan. He came at the Bible from a very different perspective. The statement he made that kept playing [...]
Readers of the Bible deal with supposed “discrepancies” in the text in several ways. They could be placed into three generalized groups -- 1) discrepancies don't matter, 2) the Bible has errors, [...]
In Heb. 6, we find a passage that has been worrisome for more than a few Christians, especially those who at some point wavered in their walk of faith. When we examine the passage, we must [...]