WHY we praise God? I don’t recall ever hearing another believer try to explain to me why we praise God, other than by reminding that God commands us to do so. But I do believe that we are able to [...]
Some 60-plus years ago, evangelist Eldred Stevens, then the pulpit minister of the Stillwater (Okla.) church of Christ (and later the director of the Dallas-based Preston Road School of [...]
Today we will begin our study like many Jewish people begin their day – by reciting the Shema. “Shema” means to hear. In Jesus’ day, reciting the Shema meant a renewing of your relationship with God.
Rich images and beautiful word pictures fill the pages of the Bible. These images come from a culture, time, and place that was much different from our own. The inspired writers of the Bible were [...]
For four hundred years, nothing was added to the Bible. The prophets became silent, and the Jewish people watched and waited for the Messiah to come. They had some clues as to what to be looking [...]
In the next section of Matthew there is a picture that is easily missed by the Western reader. Read Matthew 2:1 (out loud) to find out where Jesus was born. In Day 4, we found out that names had [...]
In Day 5 of the study we read about King Herod (along with his chief priests and teachers of the law) and the Magi – two very interesting groups of people to be involved in the documentation of [...]
In Day 6, we read how God protected the Magi by warning them in a dream not to return to Herod. We find that God also needed to protect Joseph, Mary, and Jesus from Herod. God sent them to Egypt. [...]
In Matthew chapter 3, we learn about a person named John. To get some background on this person named John we have to go to the gospel of Luke. The first chapter of Luke tells us about John’s [...]
In Jesus’ baptism, there is pattern that was repeated throughout the Jewish Bible whenever a major reset was occurring. The pattern was chaos, the Spirit hovered, new creation emerges, Shalom [...]