In Day 6, we read how God protected the Magi by warning them in a dream not to return to Herod. We find that God also needed to protect Joseph, Mary, and Jesus from Herod. God sent them to Egypt. [...]
On Day 10 we learned about Jesus’ time of temptation in the desert where he demonstrated what was in His heart and His desire to keep the commandments. Today we look at what it meant to "repent [...]
During the 400 years between the time of Malachi, the last Old Testament prophet, and the coming of Christ, a man by the name of Alexander the Great lived. Some people believe that Alexander was [...]
On Day 12 we learned that Alexander the Great unknowingly paved the way for Jesus. Jewish people were spread throughout the region. The Jewish Bible had been translated into Greek so Jews and [...]
On Day 15, we learned that one thing that was common with the rabbis was that they would travel from place to place and visit local synagogues. By the first century, a synagogue was found in most [...]