JOHN CHAPTER 4 – Daily Journal Questions

 In Bible Studies, The Book of John

Day 1: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-9)

🔹 Question: In verse 9, the Samaritan woman was surprised that Jesus spoke to her because Jews did not associate with Samaritans. What does this tell us about how Jesus treats people? How can we follow His example in how we treat others?

Day 2: Living Water (John 4:10-15)

🔹 Question: Jesus told the woman that He could give her “living water” (v. 10). What do you think He meant by that? How is Jesus like living water in our lives?

Day 3: Worshiping in Spirit and Truth (John 4:16-26)

🔹 Question: Jesus said, “True worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth.” (v. 23) What do you think it means to worship God this way? How can you apply this to your own worship?

Day 4: The Disciples and the Harvest (John 4:27-38)

🔹 Question: Jesus told His disciples that the fields were “ripe for harvest” (v. 35). He was talking about people who were ready to believe in Him. What do you think this means for us today? How can we be part of the “harvest”?

Day 5: Many Samaritans Believe (John 4:39-42)

🔹 Question: The Samaritan woman told others about Jesus, and many believed because of her testimony (v. 39). Why is it important to share what Jesus has done in our lives? How can you do this in your own life?

Day 6: Jesus Heals the Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)

🔹 Question: The royal official believed Jesus could heal his son, and Jesus told him, “Go, your son will live.” (v. 50). The man believed before he saw the miracle. What does this teach us about having faith in Jesus?

Day 7: Personal Reflection

🔹 Question: What is one thing from John 4 that has challenged or encouraged you? How can you apply it to your life this week?


Here are two bonus questions to encourage deeper reflection:

Bonus 1: What Does This Chapter Teach You About God?

🔹 Question: After reading John 4, what do you learn about God’s character? How does this chapter help you understand who He is and how He works in the world?

Bonus 2: How Can You Apply This to Your Life?

🔹 Question: In what ways does John 4 challenge or encourage you? What changes do you need to make in your life to better align with God’s character and will?

*All Scripture quotations from the NIV Bible.

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